Abundance is the Way
Happy August!
I am lucky enough to be spending my time working in Southampton, New York for the rest of the summer. For anyone who has not been to Southampton, or the Hamptons, it’s a place that reminds you of everyday miracles with its abundant beauty of nature that surrounds you. Being surrounded by this abundance of miracles inspired my topic for this month’s newsletter, because I think we all deserve abundance. For this article, I’m asking you to be open and change your mindset a little, because I’m going to be a bit more direct than usual, but I’m sure you can handle it.
So, what if it is our birthright to live abundantly? Imagine if we all popped out the womb being told that the world is our oyster, and that you can do anything you put your mind to.
Guess what—you did. Everything and everyone else that told you differently was wrong, and now I want to remind you of that birthright.
I think limitations are bullshit. They stop energy and put you in a negative space. Drop them. Drop any limitations (“You don’t have enough time/money, you’re too young/old, you’re sick, your physical state, you can’t travel, you can’t quit your job,” etc.) that you put on yourself for the next 5 minutes. How did that thought make you feel? Like superman (or woman), right? That’s your natural state.
Now, don’t go jumping off any buildings and think you will fly. First, you have to take those limitations off of yourself and your life, but then take them off the world around you, as well. What if you could let go of the limitations you put on others and the world at large? What if you focused on the abundance they bring into your life every day? What if you chose to not look at any negativity you might receive everyday, only finding positive things? What if you focused on the abundance that your spouse, your child, or your coworkers bring to you each day, and not whatever annoying thing they did or do that you don’t like?
Again, just let it go. Let go of the petty thing called limitations. The “you’re too tired, you don’t have enough will power, you don’t have the right connections, you don’t have a enough money”….whatever the limitation is. Imagine whatever obstacle you feel there is in your life and remove it. It’s no longer there. Just poof—gone.
Now, let’s go back to talking about the opposite of limitations: Abundance. Be relentless about abundance. Expect it everywhere you turn. Expect your life to flow. Expect that the right person or conversation or thing that you need to show up. If you anticipate it and expect it, it will show up. That is, don’t get stuck in looking at whatever issue or obstacle you think you have and instead, look at the possibilities. You don’t have to earn abundance; you don’t have to guilt your way through it, but you do have to consciously be open to it. Being open is being real. Real to me is being vulnerable and flowing with life, trusting and being humble, and what is real is the fact that if you take whatever your dream is and relentlessly focus on this vision –feel it, see it, live like the hope is there— then it will find it’s way to you. It will become real, because you will have created it. We all create our own reality.
Our reality is the environment that surrounds us. If you don’t like what you see around you, then you best get to envisioning, and then get to relentlessly thinking about how wonderful it will be when you have whatever it is you desire. It may not happen overnight and it’s not going to happen if you aren’t consistent, but you know what? They say we think the same damn thing over and over in our heads every day- 90% of our thoughts are the same every day. That’s astounding.
How f–g boring. How limiting.
If you feel stuck in monotonous thoughts, then shake it out of you by creating anything, imagining, and taking time to play. Get out of that rut or “box.” Boxes are limiting to me unless they are presents. Please, break out—open a present instead.
How? Just add one new thought a day, and see what it does. Read something new, communicate a new way, envision something new, do something new, find a new way to laugh, find anything new that stimulates positivity within you that is uniquely you and keep doing it. See what happens.
I’ll tell you what happens. Good shit happens, and good shit = abundance. Spread the word. Wouldn’t that be awesome? A world that just keeps on creating off the thoughts of total abundance? I’m not talking material abundance (although you can add that in for fun), but abundance of the heart, abundance of the mind, and abundance of the world. This ultimately creates more joyful moments and a happier, more flexible, go-with-the-flow attitude toward life, because you are expecting good things to show up.
Think it and then get back to me after you’ve tried it. The truth of the matter is, we are all artists who are creating every single day—by our choices, and our choices create positivity (or negativity) and that creates our daily experience, which in turn shapes our life experience. You can fill your mind and day with 90% of the same crap, or you can start creating little miracles—just like that first abundant miracle of being born. Yup, that birthright that I first mentioned.
Believe it, I’m telling you. Abundance is the way.