Featured on the Cover of this Month’s Autism Parenting Magazine
I am both proud and honored to be featured in this month’s issue of Autism Parenting Magazine. In their 39th issue, APM highlights ways to “work together to help ASD children and their families communicate better. In addition to highly-recommended forms of therapy, such as applied behavior analysis (ABA), speech and occupational therapy, there are small steps you as a family can take to help facilitate improved communication.” This wonderful issue helps families of ASD children take significant steps towards communicative breakthroughs.
My article, “5 Tools for Communicative Play,” featured inside the issue as well as on the cover, aims to help adults work together with children on the autistic spectrum in fun and playful ways.
Be sure to check out Autism Parenting Magazine. You can find more about them at http://www.autismparentingmagazine.com.